Padova Meeting: 28/11/2011-02/12/2011

People that attended:


(put together by Bianca)


HI: done.

Radio continuum. Done! Continuum sources in A2192 are restored with a circular instead of an elliptical beam. Is this also the case for A963? Are the continuum fluxes and positions in Dwaraka's map consistent with what Boris has derived? (Dwaraka)

BR imaging:

spectra: reduced + catalogs (Yara)

Spitzer: reduced + catalogs (Ryan)

Galex: reduced + catalogs (Maria)

morphologies available (Yara, Bia, Jac, and some Maria and Marc)

stellar masses available (Yara)



  1. identified structures and substructures in the two fields by looking at the 3D distribution (RA, DEC and z) of galaxies in the spectroscopic catalog (including WHT, HI and literature redshifts)
  2. GALAXY STELLAR MASSES (solved!!) Zibetti, DR7 and Bell & de Jong masses for our spec sample are in agreement We will use Zibetti's masses, for Kroupa IMF (Zibetti in agreement with dynamical estimate of stellar masses)
  3. decided how to compute spectroscopic completeness (color, magnitude, position)
  4. based on Herschel + HI overlays received by Bianca, discussed the necessity to use the Egami Herschel data asap - If we use these data, should we offer the PI of this Herschel program co-authorship? Bianca to check this out.
  5. telecons with Boris and Aeree/Ryan/Min
  6. Marc classified the morphologies of HI galaxies
  7. papers (see below)

TENTATIVE AUTHORSHIP POLICY (suggested - to be approved by everybody)

Each paper includes everybody who has contributed to the acquisition, reduction, analysis, interpretation of any of the data contained in that paper. Before submission, every draft is anyway circulated to anybody, giving anyone the possibility to be included if they feel they should be.


Papers we propose for now:

Ideas/suggestions for these or other papers welcome

Other comments/things to keep in mind or discuss: