
Here you can find the tables with the stellar masses and absolute magnitudes that I've calculated from the available SDSS photometry here:

Stellar Masses and Abs. Magnitudes


Bell & de Jong (2001):

Zibetti et al (2009):

Rest frame magnitudes were computed using InterRest ( And the cosmology used in calculating the rf magnitudes (and hence masses) was: (H0, W_l, W_m) = ( 70.0, 0.70, 0.30)

comparisson between the different mass estimates

This is a sanity check. The plots compare the 3 mass estimates: Bell & de Jong (2001), Zibetti et al. (2009) and the DR7 masses (all transformed to Kroupa IMF). All axes show Log(M*). The dashed lines show a 1-to-1 relation for comparisson!

Yara - 05/12/2011

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