Herschel Data

(created by M. Yun; 11/29/11)

Mosaic Images of A963

Abell 963, PACS 100 micron map

Abell 963, PACS 160 micron map

Abell 963, SPIRE 250 micron map

Abell 963, SPIRE 350 micron map

Abell 963, SPIRE 500 micron map

hi.on.spire250.jpg Herschel/SPIRE 250 micron image in grayscale. Blue contours are the HI moment 0 map. Magenta circles mark sources with optical spectroscopic redshift by Yara. Blue squares are galaxies with SDSS spectroscopy. The large red circle represent a 1 Mpc radius cluster core.

SED plots of some of the Herschel sources

J101720.1+390607 (HI detected)

J101729.7+385833 (HI detected)

J101735.8+390414 (HI detected)

J101707.2+390339 (no HI detection)

J101722.2+390004 (no HI detection)

Wider field Herschel data on A963

(created by: Yara Jaffe - 07/12/2011)

Wider field SPIRE and PACS fits images can be downloaded here:

PACS: pacs.tar.gz

SPIRE: spire.tar.gz