Station Unit Data Master

Hardware Manufacturing Information

Last change to this page: 050404

SU General Assembly:

No SU general assembly drawing exists. Back-plane silk screen identifies Module positions.

The Station Unit Bill of Materials is at Issue E

Plug-in Modules:

0030000 = DIM

0050005 = TRM

0030010 = CRM

0030015 = DCM

0030016 = DMM

0040020 = PCM

0010025 = Cardframe

3210029a.dwg = Front panel, centre support block for all PCBs (Autocad)

Structure of these achives:

Sub directories:

CCT- schematic (Orcad .sch files and hpgl plots)

PCB - Seetrax Ranger files

PRODPLOT- pcb gerber files

PRODDWG- pcb assembly and panel drawings (Autocad) Files:

???_BOM_i.TXT = bills of materials in plain text. ??? is meaningful board ident, i is issue letter

???_MOD_REC.TXT = Modification record

The configuration of moveable links on all PCBs is given in the Module Test Specification

Explanation of Metrum(P&G) part numbers:

The structure is aabbccdddd where:

aa is a project (16 for the Station unit)

bb is a drawing type (00=assembly, 06=artwork, 08=schematic etc.)

cc is the assembly state

dddd is the module or sub-assembly


Modification state is indicated by a trailing letter a,b,c etc

e.g. 1600040020a is the production PCM

1600030020a was the prototype PCM


To suit dos environments file names are abbreviated to 8 characters by dropping the project number and the first digit of the assy state.

e.g. the PCM schematic is 1608040020a;

the top level schematic file is 0840020a.sch


Station Unit pages are maintained by Steve Parsley