from AIPS import AIPS, AIPSDisk from AIPSTask import AIPSTask, AIPSList from AIPSData import AIPSUVData, AIPSImage import LocalProxy from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy import copy, optparse, os, sys, re, time # # AIPS configuration # AIPS.proxies = [ LocalProxy ] AIPSTask.version = '31DEC04' AIPS.userno = 1522 #AIPS.disks = [ None, AIPSDisk(None, 1), AIPSDisk(None, 2), # AIPSDisk(None, 3), AIPSDisk(None, 4) ] ####################################################################### # My routines # def summary(uvdata,name): dtsum = AIPSTask('dtsum') dtsum.indata = uvdata dtsum.docrt = 0 dtsum.aparm[1] = 0 dtsum.outprint = './' + name.lower() + '_sum.txt' dtsum() listr = AIPSTask('listr') listr = AIPSTask('listr') listr.indata = uvdata listr.optype = 'SCAN' listr.outprint = './' + name.lower() + '_scan.txt' listr.docrt = 0 listr() def loadmode(imode,uvdata,control): dirname = control['scratch'] expname = control['expname'] nfits = int(control[imode]['nidi']) for i in xrange(1,nfits+1): fitld = AIPSTask('fitld') fitld.infile = dirname + expname + '_' + str(imode) + '_1.IDI' + str(i) if os.path.exists(fitld.infile) and\ os.path.getsize(fitld.infile) > 0: fitld.outdata = uvdata fitld.douvcomp = 1 fitld.doconcat = 1 fitld() else: print 'no such file:',fitld.infile raise IOError, "no such file" def writefits(uvdata,outfits): fittp = AIPSTask('fittp') fittp.outfile = outfits fittp.indata = uvdata fittp() def time_average(uvdata,timavg,dtin,dtout): # do a time average and attach the NX again uvavg = AIPSTask('uvavg') uvavg.indata = uvdata uvavg.outdata = timavg uvavg.yinc = dtout uvavg.zinc = dtin uvavg() indxr = AIPSTask('indxr') indxr.indata = timavg indxr.cparm[3] = 1 indxr() def spectral_average(uvdata,spavg,navg): avspc = AIPSTask('avspc') avspc.indata = uvdata avspc.outdata = spavg avspc.avoption = 'SUBS' = navg avspc() def external_cal(uvdata,refant): if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS TY')==0: antab = AIPSTask('antab') antab.indata = uvdata antab.infile = 'EL032.ANTAB' antab() if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS FG')==0: uvflg = AIPSTask('uvflg') uvflg.indata = uvdata uvflg.infile = 'EL032.UVFLG' uvflg() if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS SN')==0: apcal = AIPSTask('apcal') apcal.indata = uvdata apcal.tyver = 1 apcal.gcver = 1 apcal.snver = 1 apcal.prtlev = 1 apcal() if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS CL')==1: clcal = AIPSTask('clcal') clcal.indata = uvdata clcal.opcode = 'CALI' clcal.interpol = 'SELF' clcal.doblank = 1 clcal.refant = refant clcal.snver = 1 clcal.gainver = 1 clcal.gainuse = 2 clcal() def direct_fringe(uvdata,refant,cals): if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS SN')==1: fring = AIPSTask('fring') fring.indata = uvdata fring.gainuse = 2 fring.flagver = 1 fring.docalib = 1 fring.refant = refant fring.solint = 4 fring.aparm[1] = 4 fring.aparm[6] = 2 fring.aparm[7] = 6 fring.aparm[9] = 0 fring.dparm[1] = 1 fring.dparm[4] = 3.99 fring.calsour = AIPSList(cals) fring() if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS CL')==2: clcal = AIPSTask('clcal') clcal.indata = uvdata clcal.opcode = 'CALI' clcal.interpol = 'AMBG' clcal.doblank = 1 clcal.refant = refant clcal.snver = 2 clcal.gainver = 2 clcal.gainuse = 3 clcal() def update_cal(indata,outdata,ext,ver): #copies 1-1 extension files extkey = 'AIPS ' + ext if outdata.table_highver(extkey)==ver-1: tacop = AIPSTask('tacop') tacop.indata = indata tacop.outdata = outdata tacop.inext = ext tacop.invers = ver tacop.outver = ver tacop.ncount = 1 tacop() else: print 'SKIP tacop',,ext,ver-1 def cross_bpass(uvdata,refant,cals): if uvdata.table_highver('AIPS BP')==0: bpass = AIPSTask('bpass') bpass.indata = uvdata bpass.gainuse = 3 bpass.flagver = 1 bpass.docalib = 1 bpass.refant = refant bpass.solint = -1 bpass.bpassprm = AIPSList([ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) bpass.calsour = AIPSList(cals) bpass() def hc(data, type, istart, istop): #make a hardcopy, remove existing file first lwpla = AIPSTask('lwpla') outname = './' + rootname.lower() + '_' + type + '.ps' if os.path.isfile(outname): backup = outname + '.old' if os.path.isfile(backup): os.remove(backup) print 'renaming outname backup' os.rename(outname,backup) lwpla.indata = data lwpla.outfile = outname lwpla.dparm[6] = 4 lwpla.dparm[7] = 11 lwpla.dparm[8] = 11 lwpla.plver = istart lwpla.inver = istop lwpla() #data.zap_table('AIPS PL', -1) def calplot(uvdata,inext, invers, optype): istart = uvdata.table_highver('AIPS PL')+1 snplt = AIPSTask('snplt') snplt.indata = uvdata snplt.inext = inext snplt.invers = invers snplt.optype = optype snplt.nplots = 8 snplt() istop = timavg.table_highver('AIPS PL') type = inext.lower()+str(invers)+'_'+optype.lower() hc(uvdata,type,istart,istop) def specplot(uvdata,type,sources=None,refant=1): istart = uvdata.table_highver('AIPS PL')+1 possm = AIPSTask('possm') possm.indata = uvdata possm.nplots = 6 possm.docal = 1 possm.doband = 1 possm.bchan = 5 if type == 'bandp': possm.aparm = AIPSList([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2]) elif type == 'xspec': possm.aparm = AIPSList([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) possm.antenna[1] = refant elif type == 'auto': possm.aparm = AIPSList([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) possm.antenna[1] = refant else: raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option type",type if type == 'bandp': possm() else: for isu in sources: possm.sources[1] = isu possm() istop = timavg.table_highver('AIPS PL') prtype = type.lower() hc(uvdata,prtype,istart,istop) def timplot(uvdata,type,refant=1): istart = timavg.table_highver('AIPS PL')+1 vplot = AIPSTask('vplot') vplot.indata = uvdata vplot.nplots = 8 #need to know how many channels there are header = uvdata.header() iax = header.get('ctype').index('FREQ ') nchan = header.get('inaxes')[iax] vplot.bparm[2] = -1 vplot.bchan = int(0.02*nchan) vplot.echan = int(0.98*nchan) vplot.antenna[1] = refant if type == 'raw': vplot.docal = 0 vplot.doband = 0 elif type == 'cal': vplot.docal = 1 vplot.doband = 1 else: raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option type",type vplot.stokes = 'RR' vplot() vplot.stokes = 'LL' vplot() istop = timavg.table_highver('AIPS PL') prtype = 'tim'+type.lower() hc(uvdata,prtype,istart,istop) def uvcal_plots(uvdata,root): #print a lot of plots calplot(uvdata,'TY',1,'TSYS') calplot(uvdata,'CL',3,'AMP') calplot(uvdata,'CL',3,'DELA') calplot(uvdata,'CL',3,'RATE') calplot(uvdata,'CL',3,'PHAS') timplot(uvdata,'raw',refant) timplot(uvdata,'cal',refant) specplot(uvdata,'bandp',refant) specplot(uvdata,'xspec',cals_fringe,refant) def parse_com(name): repair = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$') relist = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\[\]\s*=\s*(\S+(?:\s*\,\s*\S+)*)\s*$') resplit = re.compile(r'\s*\,\s*') remode = re.compile(r'^\s*mode\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*$') recom = re.compile(r'^\#') control = {} imode = 0 general = True file = open(name,'r') nmode = 0 for line in file: yescom = recom.match(line) yespair = repair.match(line) yeslist = relist.match(line) yesmode = remode.match(line) if yescom: continue elif yespair: input = yespair.groups() if yesmode: if general: general = False nmode += 1 imode = int(input[1]) if imode != nmode: raise ValueError, "Not a simple mode list" control[nmode] = {} if general: control[input[0]]=input[1] else: control[nmode][input[0]]=input[1] elif yeslist: input = yeslist.groups() yessplit = resplit.split(input[1]) if general: control[input[0]]=yessplit else: control[nmode][input[0]]=yessplit else: print 'crap, no match:', line control['nmode'] = nmode return control def printcontrol(control): for key in control.iterkeys(): if not type(control[key]) == type({}): print key,'=',control[key] for imode in range(1,control['nmode']+1): print imode,':' for key2 in control[imode].iterkeys(): print imode,':',key2,':',control[imode][key2] return def getoutarchive(control,imode): exp = control['expname'] date = control['obsdate'] inurl = control['inurl'] outdi = control['scratch'] passwd = control['passwd'] for idi in xrange(1,int(control[imode]['nidi'])+1): file = exp.lower() + '_'\ +str(imode)\ +'_1.IDI'+str(idi) outfile = outdi+file command = 'wget -nv -O '+outfile+' '\ +'--http-user='+exp+' '\ +'--http-passwd='+passwd+' '\ +inurl+exp.upper()+'_'+date+'/fits/'+file #print command if not os.path.exists(outfile): os.system(command) elif os.path.getsize(outfile) < 1: os.system(command) else: print outfile, 'exists!' return def cleanfits(control,imode): exp = control['expname'] date = control['obsdate'] outdi = control['scratch'] for idi in xrange(1,int(control[imode]['nidi'])+1): file = exp.lower() + '_'\ +str(imode)\ +'_1.IDI'+str(idi) outfile = outdi+file if not os.path.exists(outfile): raise IOError, "file not found on delete" else: os.remove(outfile) return def makelogname(): script = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] year = time.localtime()[0]-2000 month = time.localtime()[1] day = time.localtime()[2] hr = time.localtime()[3] min = time.localtime()[4] ext = 'log' file = '%s.%02i%02i%02i_%02i%02i.log'\ % ( script, year, month, day, hr, min ) return file ######################### # Load and sort the data # # AIPSTask.isbatch = 0 logfile = makelogname() AIPS.log = open(logfile, 'w') AIPSTask.msgkill = -5 control = parse_com('el032com.txt') printcontrol(control) refant = int(control['refant']) tsmooth = float(control['tsmooth']) tcorr = float(control['tcorr']) for imode in range(1,control['nmode']+1): #for imode in range(1,2): rootname = control[imode]['source'] print 'STARTING mode %i on %s at %s' % (imode,rootname,time.asctime()) cals_bpass = control[imode]['calibrators'] cals_ref = control[imode]['refs'] cals_fringe = cals_bpass+cals_ref outfits = control['scratch']+control['expname'].upper() + '_'+\ rootname.upper()+'.UVF' if os.path.exists(outfits): print 'SKIP ENTIRE mode', imode continue getoutarchive(control,imode) fulldata = AIPSUVData( rootname, 'UVDATA', 1, 1) timavg = AIPSUVData( rootname, 'TIMAVG', 1, 1) specavg = AIPSUVData( rootname, 'SPCAVG', 1, 1) if not fulldata.exists(): loadmode(imode,fulldata,control) else: print 'SKIP loading' if not timavg.exists(): time_average(fulldata,timavg,tcorr,tsmooth) summary(timavg,rootname) else: print 'SKIP time averaging' if timavg.table_highver('AIPS CL')==1: external_cal(timavg,refant) else: print 'SKIP external cal' if not specavg.exists(): spectral_average(timavg,specavg,32) else: print 'SKIP spectral average' if specavg.table_highver('AIPS CL')==2: direct_fringe(specavg,refant,cals_fringe) update_cal(specavg,timavg,'SN',2) update_cal(specavg,timavg,'CL',3) else: print 'SKIP fringe fit' if timavg.table_highver('AIPS BP')==0: cross_bpass(timavg,refant,cals_bpass) else: print 'SKIP bandpass' if timavg.table_highver('AIPS PL')==0: uvcal_plots(timavg,rootname) else: print 'SKIP plots of uv calibration' if not os.path.exists(outfits): fulldata.zap() cleanfits(control,imode) writefits(timavg,outfits) else: print 'SKIP output fits'