NEXPReS Contract Documents

The following documents are the official documents that were signed by the project and the European Commission. All other versions of the GA, DoW, etc are considered to be superceded by the below as of Jul 2010.

Consortium Agreement

rev pdf doc comments
50 pdf doc this is rev 50 (this file has the visual diff for the changes)
39 pdf doc This is the rev 39 file shown below, but has the differences with the rev 20 document displayed using MS-Word's “compare documents” feature. Apologies that tracking changes was not provided in the prev version
39 pdf doc Draft incorporating comments from partners as best possible.
# Partner Comments received for the rev 20 document integrated
1 JIVE JIVE offers rev 20 draft x
3 INAF Draft Accepted x
4 MPG -rcvd word that comments will be late
5 UMAN Comments Received x
6 OSO Comments Received x
9 NorduNet Fundamentally accepted draft (only minor comments) x
10 SURFnet oral confirmation that draft is accepted x
11 PSNC Comments Received x
13 AALTO Fundamentally accepted draft (only minor comments) x
14 TUM Partial Comments Received x
15 CSIRO Commets received x