Table of Contents



One sentence version:
NEXPReS is a three-year project aimed at further developing e-VLBI services of the European VLBI Network (EVN), with the goal of incorporating e-VLBI into every astronomical observation conducted by the EVN.

Longer (press release) version:
Novel Explorations Pushing Robust e-VLBI Services (NEXPReS, is a three-year project with the goal of implementing real-time, electronic VLBI (e-VLBI) into all observations conducted by the European VLBI Network. This will be achieved through development of a variety of technologies including: cloud correlation; high-bandwidth on demand; distributed correlation; and high-bandwidth, high-capacity networked storage on demand. NEXPReS is comprised of 15 partner institutes in eleven countries and is coordinated by JIVE. NEXPReS in an e‑Infrastructure project funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement RI‑261525.

About VLBI and e-VLBI

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is an astronomical technique by which multiple telescopes observe the same region of sky simultaneously. Data from each telescope is sampled and sent to a central processor which decodes, aligns and correlates the data for every possible pair of telescopes, allowing astronomers to generate images of cosmic radio sources with up to one hundred times better resolution than images from the best optical telescopes. Instead of the traditional VLBI method of recording data onto disks and shipping them to the correlator, electronic, real-time VLBI (e-VLBI) uses networks to stream the data electronically to the correlator for processing in real-time, allowing for on-the-fly telescope adjustments during observations and providing astronomers with data in a matter of hours rather than weeks or months.
