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Below, you can find merged tables containing SDSS and INT photometry and all spectroscopy available for “all” galaxies in A2192 and 963.

This table is based on the catalog of SDSS-DR8 sources in the WSRT FoV, althoufh it also contains galaxies that are not in SDSS but appear in INT images for example. It list 2 ID's in coordinate format.

Although all redshifts are listed, I also include a column with “zmio”, where I give a single (best quality) redshift value. Note that in these tables I don't put a trust column for 'zmio' but from the other redshift columns you can see if there is more than one z available, if it was only observed with WHT, etc. In general, give low trust to LH redshifts. Then, for the cases where there is ONLY a WHT redshift, consider bad redshifts those with WHT_trust ⇐ -2.

I have further folded in the INT_catalogue ID's (from Sextractor) and HI ID's for the HI detections. I also included some other useful information such as stellar masses, morphologies, etc when available.

Final HI masses, etc still need to come, but when that information comes, you'll only need to match it to the HI ID's in this table.

Also final membership flags will come soon too, when I redo all the cluster_velocity dispersions.

Tables are in ascii format. When there is no information available you'll find a: “”

Master table for A2192: a2192_merged_master_tables.dat.tar.gz

The columns are:

  1. INT_ID (coordinate format)
  2. SDSS_ID (coordinate format)
  3. dist (when matching SDSS with INT coordinates)
  4. ID_HI
  5. HI_Opt_count_reliab: =1 if optical counterpart has a redshift and its consistent with HI_z; =2 if there is no optical redshift but seems plausible!
  6. HI_Assotiation_flag: =1 if the optical counterpart has nearby companions, also with optical redshifts close to the HI detection; =2 if the optical counterpart has nearby companions but without optical redshift available to confirm.
  7. INT_catID (from sextractor)
  8. INT_ra
  9. INT_dec
  10. u (SDSS mags, not corrected for reddening) #
  11. uerr
  12. g
  13. gerr
  14. r
  15. rerr
  16. i
  17. ierr
  18. z
  19. zerr
  20. INTmB (B-band magnitude / INT) #
  21. INTmR (R-band magnitude / INT)
  22. SDSSz: sloan redshift
  23. SDSSzerr
  24. WHTz
  25. WHTztrust_re
  26. WIYINz
  27. WIYINzerr
  28. zmio: Unique redshift
  29. spec_type (for WHT spectra only)
  30. combined_ew_oii (either WHT or SDSS)
  31. Morph
  32. Mor_Trust
  33. Ms_Zib (stellar mass)
  34. HI_z (HI redshift)
  35. RA_HI
  36. DEC_HI

Master table for A963: a963_merged_master_tables.dat.tar.gz The columns are:

  1. INT_id (coordinate format)
  2. SDSS_id (coordinate format)
  3. dist (when matching SDSS with INT coordinates)
  4. HI_id
  5. HI_flag1: =1 if optical counterpart has a redshift and its consistent with HI_z; =2 if there is no optical redshift but seems plausible!
  6. HI_flag2: =1 if the optical counterpart has nearby companions, also with optical redshifts close to the HI detection; =2 if the optical counterpart has nearby companions but without optical redshift available to confirm.
  7. INT_cat_ID (sextractor number)
  8. INT_ra
  9. INT_dec
  10. u_sdss (NOT DERREDENED) #
  11. uerr
  12. g_sdss
  13. gerr
  14. r_sdss
  15. rerr
  16. i_sdss
  17. ierr
  18. z_sdss
  19. zerr
  20. INT_mB (INT mags) #
  21. INT_mR
  22. SDSS_z (redshifts available)
  23. SDSS_zerr
  24. WHT_z
  25. WHT_trust_re
  26. LH_z (Lavery & Henry's redshifts) *
  27. LH_zerr
  28. OC_z (Czoske's redshifts) *
  29. OC_zerr
  30. zmio_re (unique redshift)
  31. spec_type
  32. combined_ew_oii
  33. finalfinalMor: morphology
  34. finalMorTrust
  35. Ms_zib (stellar mass)
  36. z_HI : HI z (matched the HI ID)

*Note that both Czoske's and Lavery & Henry's redshifts are slightly off the WHT or HI redshifts, but the WHT and HI redshifts are very consistent. You can see that in the following plots of Delta velocity vs. WHT redshift: see plots

** Also note that those literature redshifts are all in the very central core of the cluster!


SDSS mags are Petrosian magnitudes (p.u p.Err_u etc), not corrected for anything (galactic extincion). They were retrieved from the SDSS-DR8 using the standard search tool. INT magnitudes (B and R) come straight from the tables produced by running SExtractor in the INT images. No further (de-reddening) corrections were applied, and zero-point calibration still needs doing.

Discussion on how to go about this can be found here. Marc an I differ slightly in our ways to tackle the problem.

From my point of view you can do 2 things to get proper B & R magnitudes:

  1. Take the INT mags and correct the zero point and then dereden them. The -median- corrections are: (R_sdss,vega - R_int,vega = 0.058) and (B_sdss,vega - B_int,vega = 0.101). And the extinction corrections are: For A963, A_B=0.064 and A_R=0.039; and for A2192, A_B=0.046 and A_R=0.028
  2. Convert the SDSS magnitudes to B and R by using Blanton & Roeis 2007 formulas, and then dereden them with the same A_B and A_R listed above.

In summary, here are the magic formulas for either case respectivelly:

R_sdss,vega,dered = r - 0.0576 - 0.3718 * [(r-i) - 0.2589] - A_R - 0.21
B_sdss,vega,dered = g + 0.2354 + 0.3915 * [(g-r) - 0.6102] - A_B + 0.09
R_int,vega,dered,corrected_zp = R_int,vega + 0.058 - A_R
B_int,vega,dered,corrected_zp = B_int,vega + 0.101 - A_B


If you ever worked with the old tables, you'll notice that some things have changed. Now we have more lit redshifts for example, and the optical counterparts of some HI-detections are now changed.

In this page, you can find some plots comparing the old and new tables.

Cluster Memberships

Below you can find tables containing all galaxies with a redshift, their membership and sub-membership in the case of A2192_1.

Memberships are 1=main cluster, 2=second cluster, etc
There is a column for “limited membership” that only flags galaxies with secure redshifts, CMD-cuts, etc.
The other membership flag is for people wanting to use all galaxies (no cuts whatsoever).
The sub-memberships in A2192_1 are: 10=1a, 11=1b , 12=1c, 13=1d

Tables are here

NOTE: cl vel. disp. (sigma) were calculated from the limited sample only and then membership flags assigned.

NOTE_2: Note that I calculated cluster velocity dispersion for A963_1 this time without the LH redshifts so sigma came a little lower and memberships are a little changed. Other changes in the memberships are due to changes in the HI tables as you know….


Yara Jaffe 2012/08/21 14:20