====== NEXPReS Staff Email List ====== Note: this list may not be the most recent list. Activity leaders, please notify Kristine of any changes needed.\\ How to get the up-to-date list: - send an email to: majordomo@astron.nl - leave the subject line blanc - insert the following message text: who nexpres-staff You will receive an email back with all current members of the list. ^ WP ^ email address ^ | 1 | tcyun@jive.nl | | 1 | kool@jive.nl | | 1 | langevelde@jive.nl | | 2 | Richard.Hughes-Jones@dante.net | | 2 | Domenico.Vicinanza@dante.net | | 3 | f.colomer@oan.es | | 3 | fcolomer@gmail.com | | 4 | kyun@jive.nl | | 5 | szomoru@jive.nl | | 5 | bloemhof@jive.nl | | 5 | schoenmaker@jive.nl | | 5 | alef@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | 5 | ettl@fs.wettzell.de | | 5 | neidhardt@fs.wettzell.de | | 5 | rottmann@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | 5 | amujunen@cc.hut.fi | | 6 | boven@jive.nl | | 6 | Chris.Phillips@csiro.au | | 6 | Tasso.Tzioumis@csiro.au | | 6 | Shaun.Amy@csiro.au | | 6 | pettai@nordu.net | | 6 | frank@nordu.net | | 6 | brian@nordu.net | | 6 | richard.hughes-jones@dante.org.uk | | 6, 8 | Ralph.Spencer@manchester.ac.uk | | 6, 8 | neal.jackson@manchester.ac.uk | | 6, 8 | paul.burgess@manchester.ac.uk | | 6, 8 | james.cullen@manchester.ac.uk | | 6 | peter.hinrich@surfnet.nl | | 6 | gerben.vanmalenstein@surfnet.nl | | 6 | Hans.Trompert@SURFnet.nl | | 6 | john.conway@chalmers.se | | 6 | holties@astron.nl | | 7 | kettenis@jive.nl | | 7 | keimpema@jive.nl | | 7 | d.stoklosa@man.poznan.pl | | 7 | katarzyna.bylec@man.poznan.pl | | 7 | tomasz.rajtar@man.poznan.pl | | 7 | michael.lindqvist@chalmers.se | | 7 | simon.casey@chalmers.se | | 7 | shmeld@latnet.lv | | 7 | Steven.Tingay@icrar.org | | 7 | normundsj@venta.lv | | 8 | Ari.Mujunen@tkk.fi | | 8 | Jouko.Ritakari@tkk.fi | | 8 | minttu@kurp.hut.fi | | 8 | gofrito@kurp.hut.fi |