====== Infrastructure Cooperation Network in Radio Astronomy - RadioNet (FP5) ====== Enhancing Access to Research Infrastructures\\ HUMAN POTENTIAL PROGRAMME\\ Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-40003\\ ===== Introduction ===== The Infrastructure Cooperation Network (ICN) RadioNet coordinates new initiatives in the field of Radio Astronomy under the auspices of the European Community under its [[http://www.cordis.lu/fp5/|Fifth Framework Programme]] through the [[http://www.cordis.lu/improving/infrastructure/home.htm|Access to Research Infrastructures (ARI) programme]]. RadioNet is focused on making more effective use of the present distributed infrastructure of the [[http://www.evlbi.org/|European VLBI Network (EVN)]] of radio telescopes and building up the necessary scientific, technical and organisational consensus for the future major facilities in this field: the [[http://www.eso.org/projects/alma/|Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA)]] and the [[http://www.astron.nl/ska/mainska.html|Square Kilometre Array (SKA)]]. Specific objectives of the Network are to: * improve the interoperability and reliability of the EVN telescopes and thereby achieve sustained reliable operation during VLBI observations * disseminate knowledge of VLBI techniques, and provide a forum for presenting new results via EVN Schools and Symposia * facilitate system studies of the impact of the ALMA science case on the technical and operational design of the array during its upcoming design and development phase * finalise the scientific case for the SKA, coordinate its technical development, and map out the collaborations leading to a formal proposal for the facility. ===== Links ===== * [[historic:radionet_fp5:icnprogramme|RadioNet programme]] * [[historic:radionet_fp5:icncontact|Network structure and contacts]] * First annual report (pdf): 01.03.2000 - 28.02.2001 * Second annual report ({{historic:radionet_fp5_rep2.pdf|pdf}}) : 01.03.2001 - 28.02.2002 * Third annual report ({{historic:radionet-rep3.pdf|pdf}}): 01.03.2002 - 28.02.2003 * [[historic:radionet_fp5:fp6-preparation|Preparation for the 6th Framework Programme]] \\ {{:historic:brochu1.jpg?53}} EC Brochure on European Radio Astronomy Facilities and VLBI ({{:historic:ri_radionet_5.pdf|pdf}})