European VSOP-2/Astro-G Kick-off Meeting

JIVE, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Hooghoudt Room, 15 June 2006


09:30 - 11:00 Arrival, coffee

11:00 M.Garrett Opening, welcome

11:10 H.Hirabayashi VSOP-2/Astro-G project

  • science goals
  • technical specifications;
  • timeline;
  • international aspects of the project.

12:00 L.Gurvits Outlook for European role in the VSOP-2 mission

12:30 M.Garrett EVN and JIVE in 2012

13:00 Lunch

13:40 S.Pogrebenko Space VLBI and the Next Generation VLBI corelators

14:00 C.Reynolds VSOP-2 in SKADS simulations

14:20 A.Lobanov mm-VLBI and VSOP-2

14:40 F.Colomer Participation of IGN (Spain) in the Astro-G mission

15:00 L.Gurvits European VSOP-2 contact group: past and future

15:20 Tea/coffee break

15:40 Open podium - brain-storming session

17:00 H.Hirabayashi Astro-G calendar for the next 18 months

17:20 L.Gurvits Wrap-up, action items

17:40 AOB

18:00 Adjourn

List of participants (as of 15 June 2006):

I.M.Avruch JIVE NL
R.Campbell JIVE NL
S.Chi JIVE/Kapteyn NL
F.Colomer OAN Spain
R.Dodson OAN Spain
S.Frey FOMI SGO Hungary
D.Gabuzda UC Cork IE
M.Garrett JIVE NL
S.Garrington JBO UK
L.Gurvits JIVE NL
H.Hirabayashi JAXA Japan
K. van't Klooster ESA-ESTEC NL
H.J. van Langevelde JIVE NL
A.Lobanov MPIfR Germany
A.Mujunen HUT Finland
S.Pogrebenko JIVE NL
C.Reynolds JIVE NL
R.Schilizzi ISPO NL
C.Stanghellini IRA Italy
A.Szomoru JIVE NL
K.Wiik Turku U Finland